Tuesday, March 21, 2023

My 5 sources of news

     There are many different sources and information that is available for us to access all around the internet. Such as news channels, websites, and social media platforms. I use social media every day and since I'm on it so frequently, I get all the updates and information that I need right at my fingertips. 

One application that I use daily is Instagram. Instagram has many accounts and pages for the latest news on shootings, politics, celebrity updates, and so much more. This social media company has been very successful for a while now and as they have updated their application throughout the years, other news media are able to create an account that allows them to share information about anything political, weather, or anything you can think of. However, people have to understand that not everything out there whether on the internet or any social media platform's information is correct. There can be false advertising or information all around the world. Therefore, I still rely on and enjoy this app because I am aware of what information comes across my feed that can possibly be not true. I'm able to connect with my friends, post things about me, and be ahead of anything that is happening in the world. 

Staying with social media, another source I use for information is Snapchat. Snapchat is a very popular app that gives you lots of information regarding the latest news, being connected with friends, and much more. Some information may be false just like any other platform or company, but since most of us have Snapchat we see a lot of the same news and updates every day that are brought to our attention. It is more targeted to the younger side of our world but is accessible to anyone. While we think we are trusted with this application, we still never know if the government is tracking what we are doing on it. However, despite that, I would recommend this source because it is a very social media friendly app and is knowledgeable. If people are interested in advertising or becoming an influencer, this is a great way to consume content at the start and to work your way up your career. Not only it is beneficial, but it is also a great way to connect with your friends all across the world no matter where you are which is pretty neat.   

On another note, CNN and other news channels will have accounts that will spread information, some of it is false advertising but for the most part, it is reliable. People should be aware of what is false knowledge that reporters put out there. However, I rely on it at times because, for the most part, it is reliable and will give me political updates. CNN covers all the latest information that is given to people in the United States. The Reporters and Journalists that work for CNN tell stories about what is going on in the world and what it means to people. In terms of my perspective, it comes in handy when I need to look something up for school or any project related to politics. I try not to flood my brain with tragic news and politics, but when I do I go straight to social media pages and get what I need from there. 

Another source I tend to use at times is NBC News.  I do get information about current events, ongoing issues in our world, or just the weather in my area. They tell the most current information that is important for people to know every day. I'm able to get everything I need into one new channel. One thing that I like the most is they don't share any political views or opinions that people will have different views on. They will give updates on political ideas but it does not force you to one side of politics more than the other.  If they did have this, it would cause a lot of viewers to go down and evoke controversy. It is strictly just about the everyday knowledge that one would need.  

In addition, another source I use at times is, Fox News. If I want to get information on the latest updates on politics and what leaders are doing, I will watch or search on the internet for my answers. This is a very accurate source for this kind of news where in this case reporters do give their perspectives and opinion on political views and how they think people should go about this. If you are interested and invest your time in politics, I believe Fox News is a great advocate for that. I would recommend this source to people who are interested in politics because this gives a variety of information and does not single anyone out no matter what party you are in.  It is very informational and provides you with everything necessary. 

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