Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is a very powerful system that our world relies on. According to the article about the Supreme Court, Its role is to make sure that each branch of government, (legislative, judicial, and executive) notices the limits of its own power. One thing that did stand out to me in the reading that I didn't know was the individuals that are involved in the Supreme Court in terms of officials. For example, Chief Justice John Jay, Associate Justices John Rutledge, William Cushing and others. From learning about the Supreme Court in school, I've never heard or learned about these individuals as they seem pretty significant. However, the most important takeaway about the Supreme Court are all the cases that were spoken about in the reading. These cases are very important in the government and in history. 

One of the cases that stood out to me was the Jim Crow Laws. The Jim Crow Laws are still being spoken about to this day. They were a collection of state and local laws that enforced racial segregation. This stood out to me because segregation still goes on today, it has improved from the 19th century til today but our society still targets African Americans.  This law denied African Americans the right to vote, get jobs, and education. It pretty much gave them no opportunity to succeed in life. This is a pretty terrible case that our past generation did to African Americans. However, I hope that our government sees this as an issue and is doing something to benefit this today. 

One surprising thing I learned was that the chief justice is the one who has the authority to write the court's opinions. I didn't know that, I thought it was the other people that are in the office. The reading definitely gave me a completely different perspective on the Supreme Court because it gave a deep overview of how it truly began and who are the important officials to know. I felt like if I just read the article and not a video I would have not gotten as much information about it as I would of. From reading about the Supreme Court, I realized that there is so much to know about our system of government. I am aware that I can have a better grasp of it and what it entails. 

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