Monday, April 17, 2023

Diffusion of Innovations

  Over these past few years, technology has rapidly changed through the evolution of artificial intelligence, how fast we find information and communication among others. Technology has entered our lives for the better. It has helped with our communication and to gain a better idea of the social system. The Diffusion of Innovation is a theory created by Everett Rogers. He believed that diffusion is the process that makes innovation communicate over time with the use of social media and technology.  Innovators are the people who want to try innovation, meaning, we Americans will take risks and are the first to develop new ideas. This theory helps us understand how trends occur and how the spread of new ideas and technology in our society expresses those trends. 

With the invention of Apple products and its success and popularity, this theory works a lot. The invention of Apple products gives Americans the opportunity to communicate with each other every day. These successful products would have not been created if it weren't for Steve Jobs, the inventor.  They vary from iPhones to Apple watches, iPods, AirPods, etc. Especially with the invention of the iPod, it became a spark and allowed for other products to become popular. They were also able to spread across the whole world when Apple made history by becoming the first to publicize trading U.S. company to be valued at $1 trillion, as measured by how fast the market is growing. Ever since they have been one of the most valuable companies in the world. 

This ties in perfectly with the Diffusion of Innovations because it shows how much our technology is improving and spreading across everywhere. People see this product as something they can use for social media, communication, news, and much more. Apple's main purpose when creating these inventions was to enrich people's daily lives and entertainment. They have definitely proven the purpose because we cannot live without our technology.  It is nearly impossible to not be attached to them. We all are in desperate need every day to use technology. It is so easily accessed and is proven that without this, we would not be able to communicate with one another as fast.  

Another reason why these products are greatly used is because of early adopters of the products. It is all about growth and how addicted people are to it. Like anything in this world, there are positives and negatives to everything. According to Investopedia, early adopter people are most likely to pay more for the products than later adopters but will still get the improvements and benefits of reduces it costs, efficiency, and social status. In regards to the late majority, people don't like the idea of change, this is why mostly everyone uses Apple because of how reliable and successful it is. They tend to be skeptical about trying other products or other technologies because of the risk to change. 

In the end, I think Apple products are still very successful no matter the addiction rates. We are able to communicate with one another and stay ahead on news, social media, etc. It gives us a better understanding of what products people tend to use more and how they adapt to that service. Therefore, this theory will help more going into the future because it will allow other corporations to notice people adopting these products. It'll keep them to continue to invent products that people will keep purchasing.

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