Thursday, April 6, 2023

EOTO Reflection

My Reflection

Listening to the other group's presentations about inventions over the past years has been very interesting and I enjoyed them a lot. One of the inventions that stood out to me the most was the invention of paper. According to an article, paper was invented about 2,000 years ago by inventors in China creating not only paper but cloth sheets and tools for writing that were necessary during that period of time. The printing press was not invented until the 15th century which spread communication and knowledge throughout the past years. We do not realize how much paper we use every day. Although lots of information and books are online today, some people prefer to have that physical copy. Paper is made up of not only books but magazines, textbooks, newspapers, etc. 

We value and need that access to resources for knowledge and skills every day. Myself included, I used lots of books and textbooks throughout my high school and college experience. Without that, it is pretty difficult to not obtain the information needed in order to be academically successful or intelligent. Still to this day, people still write letters to one another as a form of communication. Therefore, if this did not exist communication would be cut off from many individuals in our world. In the corporate life, we find paper to be a necessity. 
Today, our world is gradually going paperless to limit the environmental system. This results in less paper consumption, and saves money on consumable expenses. Also, it is easy for people to access essential information that they need online because everyone has access to the internet whether it be their phone or computer. For example, most if not all bank companies are paperless in depositing and receiving checks on banks' mobile. It is a more efficient and easier way for customers to keep their information safe and also eliminates the need to visit in person. People would much rather do their financials online than have to physically go to the banks. Similar to books being online, people would much rather do everything online than have to go out and buy books. It is more convenient for them. 

Another huge topic that was brought up in a few of the presentations is the spread of misinformation among individuals. This has been an ongoing issue that our society is trying to fix. Many people believe anything that is put out to the world. On the other hand, people know that information is wrong but they tell it to others regardless. The answer to this is that people do not know any better, and are very naive. To solve this, our society has to make news clearer on the internet or any social platform so that people believe it is true. If not, this will be a continuous problem that we will not be able to solve. 

With that being said, this is why our world is spread with false facts all the time people don't know what to believe is right or wrong. Recently, misinformation has been a crucial problem during COVID-19. People would search about the spread of the virus and they didn't know what to believe if it was true or not. It's pretty sad that we live in a world where information is continuously misleading and makes it harder for people to find accurate online information. Exposure to misinformation can reduce trust in the media and what people believe is true or not. 

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