Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Blog #6 Progressive Era

The Progressive Era

The Progressive Era has improved drastically from the 1920s until the present day. This was a period of time where social and political reform was focused on making society better. Clearly, this era was successful and did help us with the reforms and rights that we have today. However, the anti-war did hold a negative effect during this period of time. 

As looking at both websites, Anti-War and The American Conservative show that they do not look professionally accurate as other popular websites are. It seems like the information is not organized and property arranged the way websites should be. Additionally, when we do get information about anything news-related it is either sent to us or we google search it ourselves. We believe the news, articles and more so therefore citizens do not trust these sites and many others. We don't have to go out of our way to try and find websites that tend to be suspicious information. Therefore, I can see why we have never heard or came upon these sites. The reason behind this is because of the government, once again, trying to control everything that we have access to. They don't want us to be getting information on sites that could possibly switch our perspective on either political views or in general. Therefore, this can make the government look bad that sites like these are publicized around the internet spreading such false information.  

In terms of anti-war in connection with these websites, is because the government purposely is shutting down our access to these sites and only targeting us with factual websites. Therefore, it is pretty hard to find and research websites like this because they are trying and successfully hushing these sites down. It also makes sense that we do not get information or answers about anti-war voices because of this exact reason. We do not want the public to be hearing that people were against the war. In regard to current events, this article questions where these "anti-war voices" are. We as a society, are so used to mainstream and popular sites that we all go to on a daily. We trust sites like Fox News that give us accurate information necessary for us to know.  

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