Tuesday, April 4, 2023

EOTO: History of Apple's First iPod

The History of Apple's First iPod was invented in October 23, 2001. Steve Jobs was the individual that created this successful technology along with the other Apple Products. The iPod played about 1,000 songs and held 5GB storage which, at the time, was convenient for people. As the years progressed, they designed colors for the iPods. The design of the iPod consisted of a scroll wheel and other buttons for navigating other options. The battery also lasted about 10 hours which was also very convenient because people would listen to it commuting to and from work which gave them plenty of battery. 

According to Apple, "Music has always been part of our core at Apple, and bringing it to hundreds of millions of users in the way iPod did impact more than just the music industry — it also redefined how music is discovered, listened to, and shared," said Greg Joswiak, Apple's President of Marketing. Apple's message in the development of the iPod was to attract and target their consumers into buying what they enjoy (music). Music is what brings people together and shares commonalities with each other. This was a great invention for people at this time. This invention changed the world because it captivated people to listen to music on the go. In addition, it helped save the music industry from going under because of the high levels of production and steaming being played by people.

Steve Jobs's invention of the iPod paved the road for the iPhone and other products after that. The iPhone then changed the way we live and how we live and the interactions that we make in the world.  Today, we see the transformation and ability to listen to music on all devices such as iPhones, Mac Computers, Apple Watches, AirPods, etc... Technology has been rapidly impacting our lives positively by discovering many ways to listen and experience. 

When I was about 10, I received my first iPod.  I felt so cool that I was getting "a phone" in a way because I was carrying around this product like everyone else was. I did not need anything else when I was little other than listening to music which justified my satisfaction. I felt like such a responsible and grown-up kid to be having such a unique invention. Looking back, that gave me such an important pathway to receiving more technology as I got older

Although this was a huge success for Apple and Americans, it did not have any negative effects during 2001. However, seeing the change in our technology today, studies are shown that the youth has been submerging themselves in technology over the past couple of years especially with social media and video games. Although this is necessarily not a bad thing but people have noticed it and it has become common knowledge. The youth is not the only one who is addicted to technology, it is everyone. Technology is such a powerful tool that we so easily have access to. Nevertheless, it does disconnect people from the world whether it be, on social media, or even watching something. Information and updates about anything in the world are constantly always within reach. Unfortunately, it is just going to get worse from here as the years go on. We need to find ways to cope that technology will eventually take over us. 

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